Saturday, August 23, 2008

Training for Delta

OK, so we are off to train at the beach in Ventura, to get rid of my ocean phobia. Not sure what there is there, cause we usually spend our beach time at Arroyo Burro in Santa Barbara...cause it's off lead there. So the humans thought they would try something new...DISASTER...IN FREAKIN' SPADES!!!

First of all, when you are afraid of the water...and then have to confront it chasing you...YEEEEESSSSSS!! CHASING YOU....RUNNING FOR MY SENSITIVE FOOTIE PADS.....YIKES....HOLY CRAP...IT WAS HORRIBLE....but the worse part was being tied to the human. If I wanted to run far away, I couldn't, I was stuck to HER!!! Talk about a stress level running on high...every DOG knows when the human tightens up on the lead it makes matters worse...we gots no where to go, not behind the human...just stuck right there out in the open to be attacked BY KILLER WAVES or whatever else, human or animal that may be out there to get me.

SHE thought she would be smart and give me this rescue remedy stuff...all it did was make things worse...I was so hyper I couldn't settle down. That's the third time she gave me this stuff, and it don't work on me. This time just one little squirt...same results, panting, uncomfy...what's HER PROBLEM? She will never give me this stuff again, I forbid it.

After we finally got away from the huge 50 foot waves, yes 50 feet...not kidding here...ok, well, maybe just a tiny bit, but hey they were big. I was afraid for all the little kids playing in it, waiting to see them all swept away. They were still playing, laughing and having fun, oblivious to the danger they were facing, when I left.

I got to visit a lot of kids up on the grass, and it was really enjoyable. I love the kids, that was a highlight of my day, and being away from the ocean made it even happier.

Oh, another thing about HER, SWMBO the BIMBO (she who must be obeyed, rhymes with bimbo...hee hee get it, snort, giggles)...she forgot my Mushers Secret and the sand was hot as can be, she otta know, she was barefoot testing it for me. We both burned the daylights outta our footie pads.

Well, that was my SO CALLED FUN DAY at the ocean.

I love my life...well, most days!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

Ok, my name is Monty. I am a fawn Dane with a black mask. I am handsome even by Dane standards, or so mama tells me. I turned two March 29, this year...and I am still in the learning process of training to be a therapy assisted dog with Delta Org.

I am rather large for my breed...I am 39.5 at the shoulder, that's three inches off the Guiness World Record for the worlds tallest dog, which is a Great Dane, a Harlequin named Gibson. Would you believe he is a therapy dog too?

Mama has some grand plans for me...and that's working with the Special Olympics. Those are sturdy athletes and they are full of life and very exuberant. So my thought was they need a therapy dog to hoot and holler for them at the Games...but them little dogs just can't hold up to the big giant hugs and kisses they give.

Mama didn't think of this when she brought me home as a pup, she just thought 'therapy dog'. But God had other plans, MY SIZE for one, and my sweet dispostion, and the fact that I LOVE TO BE HUGGED! I know that is my job, I go to people all the time...mama says 'wait they may not like dogs' and I say 'rats mama, who doesn't like Danes, great big ole Danes with floppy, uncontrollable ears."

But she insists that I shouldn't just charge up to everyone I see and present my side for petting. Unfortunately she provides the food and transportation, and she is at the other end of the I am learning to just wait til she says it's ok.

So, this is my first blog. How do you like it so far? You see, that's another one of my talents, I can 'nose type' which means that I don't have to rely on her to do my blogging. I had tried barking at the mouse, but it just wouldn't move...but...aha! now nose typing that's another thing altogether!!